Pierson & Saunders Orthodontics Review

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Oct 5, 2018 | Posted by E.M.

I went to this office today and they welcomed me with a poster saying "Welcome" and then my name, the woman taking my pictures and x-rays was very nice to me, she also took my teeth molds for the braces I'm getting -I recommend the strawberry flavor- and was pretty funny. My mom got a jam and a T-shirt (you leave them alone for 5 minutes -_-) from a nice lady who was putting all our info for our next appointment in (balance, appointment dates, etc.). I enjoyed this and it didn't take long at all. Dr. Pierson himself came in with us and checked my jaw, measurements, and my overbite percentage. He gave me some different options, recommended some good choices on what things I should get and how soon to make my whole process go faster. This orthodontics office was great, they are quick and fast and gentle and nice. I have upgraded my liking of the dentist to #1 on my rate of doctors and medical things which I kind of have a problem with if you count screaming and crying a "kind of" problem.